Thursday, April 23, 2020

Seven Facts for Dental Implants

Smile improvement methods are many in the market now available. Among these ways, dental implants are the best suited for everyone. It gives the opportunity to restore dental health. Dental implants save the natural look as well as a smile. Dental implants help to solve the problems of missing teeth and broken teeth.
Check out following facts to about dental implants.
1) Dental floss is a problem for the majority.
An unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits lead to tooth loss in early life. In the middle age of life majority, people face tooth loss of broken teeth.
2) Dental implants have a lot more benefits than just a look.
Additional benefits of implants involve easiness in speech. Improper placements of dental implants may cause slurred speech. No worry about falling of dentures. Increased patient comfort is associated with dental implants too. Permanent fixation allows great comfort and no tension of removing it in and out of the mouth.
3) Dental implants are not superficial work.
One of the wrong concepts about the implant is a crown caps of a tooth. In fact, it artificial roots are fixed in the jawbone by screws and nuts. Some biocomposite material is used to form a bond with the bone to make a base for the dental procedure. Thus, work as roots.
4) Dental implants provide stronger roots than natural teeth.
Dental implants don't only resemble natural teeth but also provide the same or more strength like natural teeth. These dental implants are made of titanium, so these implants are long-lasting. Implant play a role of anchor for other dental procedure like bridges, proclaims, and crowns. It improves bite strength. Dental implants are immune to cavities.
5) No worry about the aftercare of implants.
The main aim of aftercare of dental implants is to prevent infection by keeping the site clean. Easily available saltwater rinses are very helpful in maintaining the cleanliness of the mouth. Rinsing after every meal is important. A soft diet is recommended after surgery. Avoid cold, sticky, and chewy food, it can damage the work done on implants. Take care of the sensitivity of gum, if you are suffering from it.
6) Bone grafting is just a procedure before implant placement.
Bone grafting is not a serious as they sound. It is just a routine procedure before dental implants placement. Bone from the other part is taken and grafted in the jawbone. The option of artificial bone is also available. Once the graft sets fully in the jawbone, the dental implant is placed. Bone grafts before implant increase the success rate.
7) Restoration after dental implant may take several days.
Bone graft and after that dental implant takes some time to grow bone around it and get set in the jawbone. After the implant is placed properly then tooth replacement is done. Crowns are customized according to the shape, size, and color of surrounding teeth.

To have more knowledge about dental esthetic surgery, dental implant, smile improvement procedure.

Thursday, March 12, 2020



Just brushing your teeth regularly isn’t alone a method to make your mouth clean and healthy but doing it in the right way may keep it healthy and clean. Making it a healthy life long. It is advisable to brush two times a day for two minutes. Regular and correct brushing removes plaque formation and bacteria growth between your teeth and on the tongue. This can eliminate gum problems and tooth decay. Nowadays, many affordable dental clinics are available to help you in practicing good dental hygiene.

Let's see the correct way to brush teeth:

# Essentials of brushing teeth:

The first step toward correct brushing is to have appropriate things,
a toothbrush
fluoride toothpaste, some teeth whitening toothpaste are available in the market for people who need to clear their plaque.
mouthwash (optional)- it helps in inhibiting bacterial growth in the mouth thus aiding in tooth whitening.
You should change your brush every 3-4 months to maintain the efficiency of the brush as an overused brush becomes frayed.

Fluoride based toothpaste will be suitable for an adult but not for younger children.
Children younger than age 3, who can swallow toothpaste can avoid fluoride toothpaste.
Toothpaste shouldn't be used more than a pea-size amount.

# way of brushing teeth: 

The whole process takes about 2 minutes. Practice making you go with timing. Steps are as follows:

1) Lubricating brush with little water after taking a small amount of toothpaste on it.
2) Put the toothbrush into your mouth slightly tilted about 45-degree angle to gums.
3) Apply gentle and short Stokes to teeth.
4)Clean outer and upper chewing surfaces of teeth, keeping in mind to brush molars surfaces.
5) Flip the bristle of toothbrush to clean the inner surface of upper front teeth and lower front teeth. Similarly, clean inner surfaces of incisors and premolars.
6) Brush and clean your tongue to clean bacterial plaque buildup.
7) Rinse your mouth after spitting saliva and remaining toothpaste.

Giving special care to kids while they are brushing their teeth. Assisting them the incorrect way is a lifelong lesson for them. Take care they should not swallow toothpaste. You should get an appointment at an affordable dental clinic if you need helping to teach your kids about brushing.

These simple tips for oral hygiene keep your mouth healthy. Practicing regular brushing habit help in teeth whitening. 
For more information about affordable dental clinic, good oral hygiene.

Phone: +64 04 472 0711

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Dental implant is a surgery of teeth in which missing or damaged teeth are removed from the mouth of a person and in that place new artificial teeth are implanted. In this procedure, the roots of the tooth are replaced by artificial screws like metal for the placement of artificial teeth. The artificial teeth almost feel and work the same as the natural teeth. Dental implant surgery does wonders for the people who lost their teeth at an early age and want to gain their confidence again. The success of dental implant surgery depends on the type of implant and the state of your jawbone. Dental Implant surgery is a long procedure that involves several steps and several months.

The best part about Dental Implant surgery is that the artificial teeth appear and work just like the real ones and nobody can notice that your teeth are not original.


    The first step involves the removal of the damaged teeth or tooth. Dental Implant surgery can be done for a single tooth or for multiple teeth or sometimes for all the teeth present in the mouth of a person. The removal of the old damaged teeth is required for implanting the new one.

    The next step is jawbone grafting or jawbone preparation. Jawbone grafting is the procedure for those who don’t have a strong enough jawbone for the surgery. Jawbone shouldn’t be thick and too soft because the process of chewing applies high pressure on your jawbone. If your jawbone is not strong enough then there are chances of unsuccessful dental implant surgery.

    After the jawbone grafting is done, the next step is to place the dental implant. During the procedure of dental implants, the gum will be cut by the surgeon for the implant of the dental metal post. The metal post will be drilled into your jawbone. The metal post will work as the root of the tooth.

    After the metal post-process is done, your jawbone grows and properly joins with the metal post. The process of growing jawbone can take months and this process is known as Osseointegration. Osseointegration helps in providing a strong base to your artificial teeth.

    When the above process is completed, the surgeon will place the abutment for the attachment of the crown of your artificial teeth. This is a minor surgery in which your surgeon will cut your gum again to attach the abutment on the dental implant. This procedure takes about two weeks to heal and to attach the artificial teeth.

    The last step for the completion of your dental implant surgery is the attachment of the crown of your artificial teeth. Crown is your realistic-looking artificial teeth. The artificial teeth cannot be placed in your jawbone is not strong enough to support them.

About 90% of dental implants are successful. If you are also looking for a dental implant and want to get back your old beautiful smile back, then we are here to boost up your confidence again. You can contact us on the given contact number and book your appointment.
Contact Us:
Call: +64 44720711

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How often your kid should visit dental clinic?

Your kid may begin to go to the dentist by the time the first enamel appears or on 12 months of age. Basically, you should take your kid to the dentist every six months. It may sounds frequent and repeated. But these visits are critical to the fitness of your baby's developing enamels. Following can be the reason to make these visits.

# Preventive to tooth decay

Prevention is better than cure, dental visits helps your child's dentist to discover signs of dental disease and decay. You may care for your infant's tooth but still have issues for which you can not see symptoms. A dentist can rule out those early symptoms and treat them before it will worsen. Most of the parents often assume that child enamel do no longer require care because it'll eventually fall out, but do consider that your child's permanent tooth develop directly beneath those milk teeth. Baby tooth help to permanent everlasting tooth into place and play an vital position in your infant's long-time period dental fitness.

#correct development of tooth.

A dental practitioner  will check your toddler's tooth to make sure that the whole lot is growing perfectly and that lacking or crooked teeth are in consideration . Your dentist also can trap symptoms  of a fluoride deficiency and recommend suitable diet modifications for your child or prescribe any topical fluoride solution. A dentist will give additional explanation and demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques to you and your kid.

#Building up confidence and comfort.

Visiting dental clinic with your child frequently from an early age make your kid familiar to the dental office environment. It additionally builds up your kids comfort and self assurance levels and reduces both your and your baby's anxiety and fear about the dentist, it is good for future visit also.
#Bringing your baby to the dentist so frequently may looks useless with your child's enamel appearance , but visits serve many purposes. Above all, they train your toddler the importance of lifelong wholesome oral care habits.

Get you kids checked for healthy mouth and to alleviate dental problems.